Eastern Connecticut State University Fine Arts Instructional Center Tickets

Eastern Connecticut State University Fine Arts Instructional Center Tickets

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Spring 2024 Phone & Email Hours*: 
Mondays: 3:00pm-5:30pm
Tuesdays: 11:00am-2:30pm
Wednesdays: 2:00pm-5:00pm
Thursdays: 10:00am-12:00pm & 2:00pm-5:30pm
Fridays: 2:00pm-5:30pm
Academic Breaks*: 
Monday through Friday 
Closed Weekends
(Summer Hours May Vary)
Email Address: 
Fine Arts Instructional Center 
83 Windham Street 
Willimantic, CT 06226 
U. S. 860-465-5123 
*Hours may be subject to change during the week of a performance. The Box Office is typically staffed 1-2 hours before the start time of a performance.

The Box Office no longer accepts cash for tickets purchased in person. Only debit or credit cards will be accepted at the door. 

All sales are final. 

Please be aware that late arrival seating is not available for all show. Guests arriving after the first 5-10 minutes of the show may be given alternative seating or asked to wait to be seating until intermission. 

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Eastern Students can reserve their free ticket upon completion of a short survey. To reserve your Eastern Student ticket visit: https://forms.gle/7Bd8ea33yNRtKwfZ9

The Communication, Film & Theatre Department is excited to present Zoomers, a new play by Matthew Gasda and directed by David Pellegrini, which premiered in New York in 2024. Gasda gained recognition for producing works in unconventional spaces, including loft apartments and pop-up theaters, during the pandemic, with his off-off-Broadway hit Dimes Square. Like many of his plays, Zoomers is a humorous theaterical chronicle that explores the lives of the "self-chronicling" generation.

Set in an apartment in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, Zoomers follows a group of twenty-something roommates as they navigate friendships and relationships while searching for ways to live meaningful lives in a world full of endless distractions—including their obsession with Super Smash Brothers.

The New York Times praised Gasda for his ability to “capture the way Gen Z talks,” while Substack noted that the play “identifies the absurdities of Gen Z’s dating life but sees pain at its core.” Director David Pellegrini selected the play for its richly drawn characters, which resonate with both his student actors and audiences. The gritty milieu of their Bushwick loft is brought to life by Scenic Designer Kristen Morgan, with additional contributions from student Lighting Designer Jillian Martin and Costume Designer Jillian Martin, who captures the “hipster vibe.”

The play will run from February 27–March 1 and March 6–9 in the Delmonte Bernstein Studio Theater and will feature two rotating casts; February 27, 28, March 1, 6-8 at 7:30 P.M. and March 9 at 4:00 P.M.

Tickets are free for Eastern students; $5 for other students and groups of 10 or more; $10 for senior citizens; $12 for Eastern faculty, staff, alumni and $20 for the general public. Tickets for this production are on sale, get your tickets today by visiting https://easternct.showare.com/zoomers/

Eastern Students can reserve their free ticket upon completion of a short survey. To reserve your Eastern Student ticket visit: https://forms.gle/7Bd8ea33yNRtKwfZ9
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