Eastern Connecticut State University Fine Arts Instructional Center Tickets

Eastern Connecticut State University Fine Arts Instructional Center Tickets

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Spring 2024 Phone & Email Hours*: 
Mondays: 3:00pm-5:30pm
Tuesdays: 11:00am-2:30pm
Wednesdays: 2:00pm-5:00pm
Thursdays: 10:00am-12:00pm & 2:00pm-5:30pm
Fridays: 2:00pm-5:30pm
Academic Breaks*: 
Monday through Friday 
Closed Weekends
(Summer Hours May Vary)
Email Address: 
Fine Arts Instructional Center 
83 Windham Street 
Willimantic, CT 06226 
U. S. 860-465-5123 
*Hours may be subject to change during the week of a performance. The Box Office is typically staffed 1-2 hours before the start time of a performance.

The Box Office no longer accepts cash for tickets purchased in person. Only debit or credit cards will be accepted at the door. 

All sales are final. 

Please be aware that late arrival seating is not available for all show. Guests arriving after the first 5-10 minutes of the show may be given alternative seating or asked to wait to be seating until intermission. 

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Blood on a Cat's Neck

Blood on a Cat's Neck
Eastern Students can reserve their free ticket upon completion of a short survey. To reserve your Eastern Student ticket visit: https://forms.gle/Jda5NTZhLnzpMrzo6

The Communications, Film and Theater Department & Drama Society at Eastern Connecticut State University are proud to present Blood on a Cat's Neck by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, directed by David Pellegrini with choreography by Alycia Bright Holland.

Phoebe Zeitgeist has been sent to the earth from a distant star to write an eyewitness account of human democracy. But, although she has learned the words, she doesn’t understand the human language.  

So begins the first lines of Blood on a Cat’s Neck by filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder, the most significant director of postwar German cinema. Before his brief career in which he directed over forty films within the span of fifteen years, Fassbinder was active in theatre, developing experimental techniques which have come to be known as “Anti-Theater. This concept, however, is misleading, because in plays such as this, Fassbinder forged his unique and always entertaining and sometimes uproarious blend of Hollywood melodrama, social criticism, and avant-garde traditions. 

In our research we discovered that in his early days, Fassbinder worked with another titan of post-war German performance: the legendary choreographer Pina Baush, pioneer of tanztheater, or dance-theatre. Noting many of the similarities in their approach to performance, Theatre historian David Pellegrini and Acting and Movement Professor Alycia Bright-Holland explore these correspondences with scenic and projections designer Kristen Morgan and costume designer Anya Sokolovskaya and thirteen versatile student performers. Approaching this production as a dance-theatre-media hybrid both of their legacies, and highlights their penetrating insights into the fragility of democracy—an imperative more urgent than ever.  

Blood on a Cat's Neck will be presented in the Fine Arts Instructional Center's Proscenium Theater from October 12-15, 2023; October 12 at 5:30pm and October 13, 14 & 15 at 7:30pm.

Eastern Students can reserve their free ticket upon completion of a short survey. To reserve your Eastern Student ticket visit: https://forms.gle/Jda5NTZhLnzpMrzo6

lease be aware this performance does contact strobe lightning effects.
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